Use the views in the resource status panel to understand which resources have too much work (over-allocated) or too little work (under-allocated).
The resource status section also shows how much work has been allocated to each resource and their underlying supply.
Utilization data in the resource status panel is summarized by week. For utilization data summarized by month, use the utilization view. |
Click the view resource utilization link at the bottom of the planner to open the resource status panel.
Select the data you want to view
Select to view utilization, under / over, availability, allocations and capacity, allocations or capacity.
Use the utilization view to identify resources that are underutilized or over-utilized.
Under / over
Use the under / over view to identify resources that have the capability to have more work allocated or resources who are over-allocated.
Use the availability view to understand a resource's availability.
Allocations and capacity
Compare a resource's level of allocations vs their capacity (capacity is availability before any allocations have been made).
Allocations view shows the level of allocations for each resource.
Use capacity view to review the capacity of resources taking into account any time off or overtime excluding any allocations.
Sort resources
You can sort resources by resource name, team name or availability. When you sort by availability, set a sort period with a from date and number of weeks. Resource availability will be calculated through the period and used when sorting resources.
Days or FTE
Choose to view the data in either days or FTE.
Details and over or under utilization only
Use more detail and less detail to simplify the data shown in the grid by removing things like 0 values etc.
Over utilization only will highlight periods of over utilization only, under utilization only will highlight periods of under utilization only.
Allocated resources only
Select allocated resources only to restrict the grid to only showing resources with allocations in the plan.
Use the search box to search for resources. You can search using resource name, resource tag or role name.
If you select synchronize the top and bottom windows will use the same search terms. Any search term you enter in the resource status panel search box or the planner search box will synchronize to the other search box.
Roles and resources
A summary row shows the aggregated availability of each role per period. The availability of each resource is also shown per period.
Over allocation at the role level means you do not have enough supply within the role to do the work as planned. If you have over allocations at the resource level but under allocation at the role level, this means you could re-allocate work to other resources with the same role to resolve the over allocation. |
Capacity adjustments
Select show capacity adjustments to display the adjustment row. This allows you to adjust the capacity of the role. Learn more about capacity planning and entering capacity adjustments.
Utilization and availability panel
Click on a cell in the resource histogram to open a pop up window which gives detailed information about the utilization and capacity of the period.