Visit the finance configuration to control how Kelloo records and uses your financial data.

Note: This article refers to projects. Depending on your configuration, you may see alternate terminology used in your environment.

  • Select set up.

  • Select finance configuration.

Here are the finance settings you can change:

Use capex / opex. Determines if capex / opex column is shown when entering finance data.

Financial year start. Set the start month of your financial year.

Default finance period. Finance data is entered for annual, quarterly or monthly periods. This controls the default period to be used. The period can be changed when entering the data.

Currency code. Select the currency code you want financials to be displayed in.

Dashboard cost status. The Kelloo dashboard shows the cost status of projects. 

Kelloo uses the dashboard cost status values to determine the status name and color to be allocated to a project.

If the dashboard cost status values were set as follows: 

  • A project with a total cost more than 20% over budget would be "in trouble" and show red.
  • A project with a total cost between 10% - 20 % over budget would "need attention" and show yellow.
  • Otherwise would be "on track" and show green. 

Negative values can also be entered. So for example, if we set the "needs attention" status value to -5%, this would consider any projects with total costs within 95% of the budget as "needing attention".

You can change the status description, limits and color allocated for each status.

Dashboard benefit status. The dashboard benefit status works in a similar way to the dashboard cost status but compares target benefit to actual benefit.

You can change the status description, limits and color allocated for each status.

If the dashboard benefit status values were set as follows: 

  • A project with an actual benefit over 20% less than the target benefit would be "in trouble" and show red.
  • A project with an actual benefit between 10% - 20% less than the target benefit would "need attention" and show yellow.
  • Otherwise would be "on track" and show green.