Dashboards summarize the project and portfolio status, costs, benefits and more. 

Note: This article refers to projects. Depending on your configuration, you may see alternate terminology used in your environment.

Control the scope of data included in the dashboards using the portfolio, scenario and date selectors at the top of the dashboard page.

To understand how to set portfolio and project budgets, benefits and how labor and non labour costs are derived read these articles. Setting portfolio budgets and project budgets, actual costs and benefits.   

Whether the project is included or excluded or if the work is above the cut off is taken into account when calculating dashboard figures.

To date and remaining values

Dashboard data sets use whole month data - they do not use partial months.

  • To date values include work up to the start of the current month. 

  • Remaining values include work from the start of the current month onward. 

Note, this is different to the way the planner handles completed (to date) and remaining work. In the planner, completed work is any work before the start of the current week and remaining work is any work from the current week onward.

Portfolio summary

Portfolio budget vs. project costs

This portal is only displayed if a portfolio (other than "all projects") is selected.

Compares the total cost of the projects in the portfolio to the budget allocated to the portfolio.

Portfolio budgetTotal budget allocated to the portfolio.
Cost to dateSum of:

Cost to date planned labor (1); or
Cost to date manually entered labor (2)

Cost to date non labor (2) 

Of all projects in the selected portfolio.
Remaining costSum of:

Remaining costs planned labor  (1); or

Remaining cost manually entered labor (2)

Remaining costs non labor (2)

Of all projects in the selected portfolio.
Total costCost to date + remaining cost.
Variance to budgetTotal cost - portfolio budget.

(1) Projects that are included and project work above the cut off line

(2) Projects that are included

Project budget vs. project costs

This portal is only displayed if the "all projects" portfolio is selected.

Compares the total cost of the projects in the portfolio to the total budgets allocated to the projects.

Projects budgetTotal budget allocated to projects in the portfolio (2)

Cost to dateSum of:

Cost to date planned labor (1); or
Cost to date manually entered labor (2)

Cost to date non labor (2)

Remaining costSum of:

Remaining costs planned labor  (1); or
Remaining cost manually entered labor (2)

Remaining costs non labor (2)

Variance to budgetTotal cost - projects budget.

(1) Projects that are included and project work above the cut off line

(2) Projects that are included

Portfolio budget vs. project budget

Compares the portfolio budget to the total budget allocated to the projects in the portfolio.

This portal is not displayed if "all projects" is selected as the portfolio.

Portfolio budgetTotal budget allocated to the portfolio.
Project budgetSum of budgets of all projects in the selected portfolio (2)
Variance to budgetProject budget - portfolio budget

(1) Projects that are included and project work above the cut off line

(2) Projects that are included

Days vs. remaining

Compares the total allocated days to date to the days remaining.

Days to dateTotal allocated days of all projects in the selected portfolio (1)
Days remainingTotal allocated days of all projects in the selected portfolio (1)
Total daysDays to date + days remaining.

(1) Projects that are included and project work above the cut off line

(2) Projects that are included

Target vs actual benefit

Compares the total target benefit for projects in the portfolio vs. the actual benefits achieved.

Target benefitTotal target benefit of all projects in the selected portfolio (2)
Actual benefitTotal actual benefit of all projects in the selected portfolio (2)
Benefit varianceActual benefit - target benefit.

(1) Projects that are included and project work above the cut off line

(2) Projects that are included


Compares the total capacity of resources vs. remaining capacity.

CapacityTotal capacity of resources (excluding capacity adjustments).
Remaining capacityCapacity - total days.

Capacity adjusted

Compares the total capacity of resources (including capacity adjustments) vs. remaining capacity.

Adjusted capacityTotal capacity of resources (including capacity adjustments).
Remaining adjusted capacityCapacity - total days.

Portfolio health summary

Use the portfolio health summary to review the project status, cost status and benefit status of the portfolio. The status descriptions, colors and criteria can be configured to meet your reporting needs.

Portfolio health summary uses the same inclusion rules as the portfolio summary for excluded projects and work above the cut off.

Select a criteria and measure to summarize the health status by the criteria.

Project statusUses the project status set against the project.
Cost statusUses the project total cost vs project budget and the finance configuration to determine the cost status of the projects.
Benefit statusUses the project target benefit vs actual benefit and the finance configuration to determine the benefit status of the projects.
Financial valueUses the selected financial option from the view option group as a measure.

Select the magnifying glass to view detailed project information for the projects in the status column.