Inclusion of project and work data in reports is based on the cut off line and include / exclude status of projects.

Note: This article refers to projects. Depending on your configuration, you may see alternate terminology used in your environment.

ReportProject / work data includedNotes
AllocationsWork above the cut off line
Included and excluded projects
Use Include_In_Plan field to filter projects that are included or excluded
WorkWork above the cut off line
Included and excluded projects 
Use Include_In_Plan field to filter projects that are included or excluded
MilestonesWork above or below cut off line
Included and excluded projects 
Use Include_In_Plan field to filter projects that are included or excluded
Capacity & utilizationWork above the cut off line
Included projects

Capacity report including adjustmentsWork above the cut off line
Included projects 

Allocations (historic)Included and excluded projects
Work (historic)Included and excluded projects
Capacity & utilization (historic)Included and excluded projects
Project financeIf a project is included and the project work is above the cut off line, then planned labor costs will be shown for the project.

If a project is included (and is either above or below the cut off line) then the following costs will be shown for the project.
  • Entered labor cost 
  • Non labor cost 
  • Actual benefit
  • Target benefit
  • Budget
