Customize your terminology and structure to match the language and workflow your team uses.
By default work in Kelloo is assigned to projects. But instead of projects, you may want to use the terminology product for example. And in Kelloo projects can contain releases and phases - but you may want to give them a different name.
To customize your terminology and structure, navigate to set up then select work terms and structure.
Work containers
Containers hold your work and schedules. So containers could be things like projects or products. You can add new container types to match your workflow.
For each container you can set the term it is to be know by (container name) and the terminology to be used for schedules and milestones.
Schedules are typically used to represent things like phases or releases.
Check on sprints enabled if you want the container to allow sprints to be created within it.
Use the allowed work types to control what types of work can be created in the container. For example if the container represents a projects you may allow tasks to be created. A container representing an agile development may allow features and bugs.
Work container terms
If you have multiple work container types defined, you can set a collective term for these (which will be shown in places like menus).
So for example, if your want to organize your work into both projects and products, you could use a collective term such as initiative for these.
If you only have one container type defined, its term will be used instead.