Here’s a quick overview of our data model and the main terminology used throughout the platform.
Depending on your configuration, you may see alternate terminology used in your environment.
The Kelloo data model is comprised of the following components:
At the top level are scenarios. Think of a scenario as like a version of a plan.
Containers are high level structures used to organize your work. Containers have a type assigned such as project, initiative or a product (which you can customize). A scenario can hold unlimited containers.
Then below the container layer are schedules, milestones and sprints.
- Schedules typically represent things like phases or releases and span many weeks. Work items can optionally be attached to a schedule.
- Milestones can be used to highlight significant events in your plans. They can be represented as an icon or a note. Milestones can also be related to scenarios.
- Sprints are optional lower level time boxed delivery constructs. Sprints contain work items.
Then we have data structures which contain the work being scheduled.
Work items describe the actual work being done and have resources assigned to them. Work items can be identified as parent work items.
A parent work item can be assigned children. So for example you may define epics as parent work items and features as children.
Assignments represent the resource doing the work.
Segments represent when the work is actually being done. A work item may have many segments if the work is not being done in a concurrent block.