Note: While this article refers to projects, epics, releases and phases, depending on your configuration, you may see alternate terminology used in your environment. 

Shifting phases and releases

Click the phase or release bar then use the date control and arrows to set the start date, end date and length of the phase or release.

Alternatively, In phase / release view drag the bar or bar end to shift the phase.

Timeline view

In timeline view, bars can represent work, epics and parents.

  • Click, hold and drag a bar end to change the length (duration) of the work. 
  • Click, hold and drag the center of the bar to move the work to a new date.

Work in the past cannot be moved or the length changed.

Epic / parent view 

  • Click, hold and drag a bar end to change the length (duration) of the epic / parent. 

  • Click, hold and drag the centre of the bar to move the epic / parent to a new date.

An epic / parent that is in the past cannot be moved or the length changed.

Split work

Split work cannot be moved on the roadmap.

If work has been previously split in the planner, select merge work segments to merge the segments into a single segment then you can move the work.