The sprint view shows you when you sprints are planned for, the work they contain and the remaining capacity of your sprints.

Note: This article refers to projects. Depending on your configuration, you may see alternate terminology used in your environment.

Understand sprint view

Sprint view shows your sprints, when they are planned for and the work they contain. In the following example Kelloo - Sprint 1 contains two allocations. The Development Team for 125 points and Ella Martin for 20 points.

The sprint capacity indicator tells us the sprint has a capacity of 500 points and currently has 145 points allocated.

Any resources that have over allocated periods are shown either by a red bar or over allocated indicator. You can learn more about how Kelloo decides if a resource is over-allocated.

Using the configure option to swap between bar and number mode.

Creating work

There are a few different ways to create work.

Click the add link top left of Kelloo.

You can also select the + icon.

Schedule work

Drag the end of a bar to schedule when the work is happening. 

You can control if Kelloo will just change the schedule period or change the schedule period and the work using the drag mode.

Changing the assigned resource

Click the work bar.

Then click to select the alternate resource.