Each piece of work has an alternate role that can be assigned which indicates the type of resources doing the work.
Note: This article refers to projects. Depending on your configuration, you may see alternate terminology used in your environment.
A use case is as follows. You have a piece of work that requires a resource who is a QA role. But there are no QA resources available. So you assign Joe who is a Developer and you set the Alternate Role as QA. This helps you keep track that the work is actually work requiring a QA resource.
Kelloo will always use a resource's primary role when calculating role capacity.
For example, If you allocate a resource with the primary role "Developer" with an alternate role "Project Manager" with 1.0 FTE for one week, this allocation will be included in the allocation calculations for the "Developer" role.
The capacity of the "Developer" role will be 1.0 FTE less in that week. The allocations and total capacity of the "Project Manager" role won't change, because the role change has no effect on the number of available project managers.
To set an alternate role, edit the work then select the alternate role selector.
Any alternate role assigned is shown in the planner.